Deep Pacific Podcast
Deep Dives into Pacific Issues
August 13, 2020

Bonus Ep#2 - Canceling RIMPAC with a dash of COVID-19

Hear from a Kanaka Maoli activist on how Canceling RIMPAC in 2020 is going, and an update on Pasifika COVID-19 statistics in the U.S.

[BONUS EP#2] Canceling RIMPAC with a Dash of COVID-19

Kawena, a Kanaka Maoli activist with the Cancel RIMPAC Coalition shares an update on how that effort is going for 2020, how militarization of the Pacific is going, and mentions ways to support Kanaka Maoli in their fight to cancel RIMPAC. Canceling RIMPAC is necessary to begin a peaceful COVID-free demilitarized Pacific. Alisi, a first-time contributor and Tongan superwoman then gives an update on her organizational efforts on how COVID-19 is affecting Pacific Islanders in the U.S. and gives food for thought on how our cultures can adapt to COVID.

Link to most of the Kalani’s text of episode:

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July 21, 2020

S1E4 - What does decolonization mean to me as a Pacific Islander?

Eight Pacific Islanders share thoughts on #decolonization

[EP#4:DECOLONIZATION SERIES#1] What does decolonization mean to me as a Pacific Islander?

Eight indigenous Pacific Islanders share their thoughts on the concept of decolonization. You will hear from:

  • Anei, a Kanaka Maoli

  • Thomås, a Chamorro ginen Guahan yan Luta

  • To’a, an iTaukei of Fiji

  • Ha’åni, a Chamorro and Samoan woman living on Guahan with roots in American Samoa

  • Kyle, a Palauan-American living on Guahan

  • David Garcia (@MapmakerDavid) of the Philippines

  • Kawena (@Kue_Kawena) a Kanaka Maoli living in the Kingdom of Hawai’i

  • Tēatuahere of Tahiti

This is followed by Kalani diving into a scientific paper on traditional marine conservation making a comeback throughout Oceania, and reading a few of her favorite podcast reviews from Apple Podcasts!


  1. Friedlander, Alan M. “Marine conservation in Oceania: Past, present, and future.” Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol. 135 (2018) pages 139-149 (

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