Deep Pacific Podcast
Deep Dives into Pacific Issues
August 30, 2020

S1E6 - What are our Pasifika values?

Nine Pacific Islanders dive into their values and what they want to pass on to be better ancestors

[EP#6] What are our Pasifika values?

Nine indigenous Pacific Islanders speak on their values, what they are, and how we can carry some of them into the future to be better ancestors. Kalani then discusses a brand new scientific paper on the status of Emergency Care in the Pacific.

In this episode you will hear from:

  • Lisiatē, a Tongan diaspora activist, and first-time contributor!
  • Ha’åni, a Chamoru from Guahan with roots in Samoa
  • To’a, an iTaukei or indigenous person of Fiji
  • Temiti, a Samoan Tahitian educator
  • Jonathan, a Papuan with roots in West Papua as well as PNG, another first-time contributor!
  • RT, a Chamoru ginen Guahan with roots in Chuuk
  • Trini, a Chamorro ginen Sa’ipan
  • Thomås, a Chamorro ginen Luta yan Guahan
  • And last but not least, Carolann, the storyteller from Pohnpei. You definitely want to hear what she has to say.


  1. Freire, Paulo. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed: 30th Anniversary Edition”. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2014.
  2. G. Phillips, A. Creaton and P. Airdhill-Enosa et al., “Emergency care status, priorities and standards for the Pacific region: A multiphase survey and consensus process across 17 different Pacific Island Countries and Territories”, The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 0 0 02

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